timeless teachings in a changing world
RASOE operates as a private school but also provides various supports for Homeschooling families in the community. We also complete annual reviews and reporting for state and county requirements. The curriculum used at RASOE has a Biblical foundation which allows our students to dig deep into God’s word and apply it to academics.

Education gives us a knowledge of the world around us and changes it into something better. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us build opinions and have points of view on things in life. The goal of a Christian education is to guide children towards an understanding that God is at the center of every pursuit of knowledge.

We utilize Alpha and Omega, Monarch, and Horizons for core subjects. Additionally, RASOE has also adopted the motto: “The world is our classroom!” as the hands on extension to learning to allow ample opportunities to make the deepest connections. Students take educational and cultural trips monthly in our city and state as well as worldwide yearly as we travel abroad to enhance our student’s educational experience. Here at RASOE, we feel the greatest learning takes place through experience and making connections and we strive endlessly to provide opportunities for this learning to take place.
We invite you to learn about our mission, goals and objectives to impact the lives of the next generation in our community.
Here, you can find a host of media clips and school events that further help keep you connected to RASOE.
Your partnership with RASOE is vital to the successful education and equipping of the the youth enrolled for a brighter future.